COVID’s impact on fundraising

What is COVID-19s impact on year-end giving?

If you are like anyone else in the non-profit sector, you are likely tired of hearing about the impact of COVID-19 on fundraising.

As reported by The Hill, “Fifty-three percent of the 110 organizations surveyed reported a decrease in individual giving and nonprofits also have reported a decline in volunteers for nonprofits due to fear of contracting the coronavirus.

Nonprofits are also struggling to hold on to their employees. Sixty-seven percent said they have furloughed employees since the start of COVID-19 and 51 percent said they have laid off employees, according to the Independent Sector survey.”

As fundraisers, we’re approaching our most critical season in the toughest of circumstances. As everyone tallies the results of #givingtuesday we are also reminded that we are entering the midst of the season of joy: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the holidays. Yet our joy is a little off-set this year by everything we are facing.

So how do you go back to donors who are stalwarts for your cause…but have lost employment or family due to COVID? And to the donors, how do you continue to meaningfully give to a cause that is part of your heart if you don’t personally have the funds to do so?

It is a hard time to fundraise. We’re not quite sure if we should ask because people aren’t able to give, or if we have to ask no matter what because we’ll vanish if we don’t.

These days we have to look to different methods. Passive fundraising is one of them. You can easily meet donors and volunteers where they already are and give them an opportunity to support the cause they care about most without having to do anything additional. Using a program like ShopRaise provides your supporters with a way to give back to their cause with every purchase they make without giving anything extra.

We’re at a bit of a loss for spreading joy these days. Passive fundraising is one way to give back and spread cheer when joy is a little more challenging to come by.