Five organizations that work to provide help and reduce the stigma associated with mental health.
Forbes reports that “More than 43 million Americans struggle with mental health problems.”
That is a staggering number. In addition to that jarring statistic is the consideration of how the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the number of people who struggle with mental health issues.

If mental health is something that you struggle with, or if you would like to help a friend, colleague, or loved one get help, consider reaching out to the following organizations for help.
- The Jed Foundation, a non-profit organization working to prevent suicide for American teens and young adults.
- The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation funds scientific research to find cures for mental illnesses ranging from addiction to schizophrenia.
- NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness is a network of more than 500 affiliates in 50 US states that advances public policy for people with mental health problems.
- Project Sanctuary’s evidence-based program treats active duty service members from all branches of the military, and veterans from all eras of service including their family members.
- To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.
If you are unfamiliar with mental health organizations, or i f you want to make sure that your donations are going to places with high efficacy and solid ethics, you can always check for them first at aggregators like Charity Navigator, Giving Compass and GuideStar.
Mental health affects all of us. No one lives in a silo so isolated that they don’t have a friend, colleague, or family member who struggles. If making a donation is too daunting a step, or if you need time to learn more about mental health issues consider reading this article from Choosing Therapy which recommends 15 of the best blogs to read for help, resources, and community.
When we destigmatize mental health issues and work together to find and share resources, we can collectively lift each other to a better place.