Cost-Effective Ways to Boost Awareness on a Budget

In an increasingly digital era, there are endless opportunities to share your nonprofit’s cause with the world. Boosting awareness not only motivates donors to give but also draws attention to the issues your organization works to address. The good news: Your organization doesn’t need a bottomless budget or…

25+ Winning Sports Fundraising Ideas for Your Team

Fundraising is rarely a one-person job. Even the most passionate individuals can only reach out to so many supporters by themselves. Fortunately for sports teams, you already have a team assembled. With the right tools, your team can mobilize its members to raise more together! All you need is a…

Passive Fundraising: 7 Best Ideas to Earn Extra Revenue

For busy nonprofits, fundraising can quickly become a full-time job—on top of managing operations and running community programs. However, having a variety of revenue streams provides financial sustainability for your organization. So, how do you diversify your fundraising efforts without adding even more work to your team’s plate—…